Date | Class | Placing | Handler | Error | Time | Awards | Club | Competition |
4/15/2018 | Straight Easy | 4 of 35 | Lina Sundh | 0+0 | 44.46 | Prize Point | ÖLKH | Vittvångs ridhus i Örebro |
4/14/2018 | Straight Easy | 24 of 25 | Lina Sundh | 4 | 61.56 | | MKH | Stall Stenbro i Eskilstuna |
7/21/2016 | Crooked Easy | 4 of 21 | Lina Sundh | 0+2 | 82.34 | Prize Point | MKH | Kvällstävling, Eskilstuna |