Mareldens Power of Sunny Summer

Information about rabbit

Name: Mareldens Power of Sunny Summer
Nick name: Sonia
Sex: Female
Breeding information:
Color: -
Birthday: 5/17/2016
Mother: Snöflingans Power of Sun
Father: Friscos En Midsommarnatts Dröm
Borrower: -
Handler: Jessica Linnell
Owner: Jessica Linnell
Farm - OTHER: Mareldens
Farm name code: -
Union: OTHER
Country Sweden
Deceased: 11/21/2016
RegNr: S-11082
Straight: Easy
Crooked: Easy
High: Not elite
Long: Not elite
Title: -
Comment: Olycka


Advancement points

Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course


Results in hight jump and long jump


Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing

Competition statistics

Personal recordHigh0 cm
Personal recordLong0 cm

Family tree
