Akari Tatsushiro

Information about rabbit

Name: Akari Tatsushiro
Nick name: Akari
Sex: Male
Breeding information:
Color: Vildtsiameser kappetegnet
Birthday: 6/26/2015
Age: 9 year, 7 month and 21 days
Mother: -
Father: -
Borrower: -
Handler: Charlotte Elleby
Owner: Charlotte Elleby
Farm - Other union: (Bjørkvangs)
Farm name code: -
Union: -
Country Denmark
RegNr: -
Straight: Elite
Crooked: Elite
High: Elite
Long: Elite
Title: -


Advancement points

Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course

3/10/2019Crooked Elite29 of 31Charlotte Elleby780.00SKHLandskrona Ridklubb, Landskrona
1/19/2019Straight Elite51 of 57Charlotte Elleby675.59SKHKvidinge (Goentorps gård) i Åstorps kommun
4/8/2018Straight Elite 169 of 91Charlotte Elleby540.67KoKHStjärncuperna och klubbkampen , Skälby 4H gård i Kalmar
4/8/2018Straight Elite 253 of 89Charlotte Elleby334.87KoKHStjärncuperna och klubbkampen , Skälby 4H gård i Kalmar
4/7/2018Straight Elite54 of 89Charlotte Elleby527.35KoKHStjärncuperna och klubbkampen , Skälby 4H gård i Kalmar
2/12/2017Straight ModerateUPLCharlotte EllebyNITSKHAlla Hjärtans Cup, Goentorps Gård (Kvidinge) i Åstorp
2/11/2017Crooked Moderate36 of 44Charlotte Elleby5100.81SKHAlla Hjärtans Cup, Goentorps Gård (Kvidinge) i Åstorp

Results in hight jump and long jump


Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing
4/7/2018KoKHSkälby 4H gård, KalmarVegas cupElite55 of 73Charlotte Elleby17653,54,69
2/11/2017SKHGoentorps Gård (Kvidinge), ÅstorpBubbelcupenModerateUPLCharlotte Elleby7436,UPL(38)

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight0 of 7
Personal recordHigh0 cm
Personal recordLong0 cm

Family tree
