Date | Class | Placing | Handler | Error | Time | Awards | Club | Competition |
10/13/2018 | Crooked Easy | 3 of 41 | Julia Karlgren | 0+1 | 97.00 | Prize Point Advancement | VÄSKH | Västra Götaland, Lysekil |
9/9/2018 | Crooked Easy | 6 of 25 | Julia Karlgren | 0+1 | 104.07 | | VÄSKH | Balltorps fritidsförening i Västra götaland |
9/9/2018 | Straight Moderate | 1 of 24 | Julia Karlgren | 0+1 | 30.06 | Prize Point | VÄSKH | Balltorps fritidsförening i Västra götaland |
6/6/2018 | Crooked Easy 2 | 5 of 60 | Julia Karlgren | 0+0 | 81.97 | Prize Point | VÄSKH | Nationaldagstävling, Uddevalla i Västra götaland |
6/6/2018 | Crooked Easy - New 1 | 2 of 40 | Julia Karlgren | 0+0 | 53.87 | Prize Point | VÄSKH | Nationaldagstävling, Uddevalla i Västra götaland |
5/26/2018 | Straight Moderate | 21 of 28 | Julia Karlgren | 3 | 65.53 | | VÄSKH | Galaxgatan 3 i Göteborg |
5/13/2018 | Crooked Easy | 13 of 56 | Julia Karlgren | 0+1 | 131.66 | | VÄSKH | Klubbtävling (eftermiddag), Stättared |
5/1/2018 | Straight Easy 1 | 17 of 81 | Julia Karlgren | 0+0 | 63.31 | Prize Point | VÄSKH | Solcuperna, Landvetter ryttarsällskap i Landvetter |
5/1/2018 | Straight Easy 2 | 11 of 80 | Julia Karlgren | 0+0 | 53.63 | Prize Point Advancement | VÄSKH | Solcuperna, Landvetter ryttarsällskap i Landvetter |
4/28/2018 | Crooked Easy | UPL | Julia Karlgren | NIT | | | VÄSKH | Trollhättan i Västra Götaland |
4/14/2018 | Straight Easy | UPL | Julia Karlgren | NIT | | | VÄSKH | Trollhättan i Västra Götaland |
3/24/2018 | Straight Easy | UPL | Julia Karlgren | NIT | | | VÄSKH | Gamla idrottshallen i Lysekil |
2/4/2018 | Straight Easy | UPL | Julia Karlgren | NIT | | | VÄSKH | Lysekil |
12/16/2017 | Crooked Easy | UPL | Julia Karlgren | NIT | | | VÄSKH | Luciahoppet, Idrottshallen i Lysekil |
12/16/2017 | Straight Easy | 8 of 31 | Julia Karlgren | 1+1 | 122.87 | | VÄSKH | Luciahoppet, Idrottshallen i Lysekil |
12/10/2017 | Straight Easy 2 | 13 of 44 | Julia Karlgren | 1+1 | 66.53 | | VÄSKH | Gamla idrottshallen i Lysekil |
12/10/2017 | Straight Easy - New 1 | 2 of 30 | Julia Karlgren | 0+0 | 58.62 | Prize Point | VÄSKH | Gamla idrottshallen i Lysekil |