Date | Class | Placing | Handler | Error | Time | Awards | Club | Competition |
9/11/2022 | Straight Elite 1 | 56 of 66 | Verina Liß | 6 | 86.97 | | SKH | Klippan Cup & Skånetrofén, Åstorpsortens Ryttarförening i Åstorp |
9/10/2022 | Straight Elite 1 | 53 of 64 | Verina Liß | 7 | 68.96 | | SKH | Klippan Cup & Skånetrofén, Åstorpsortens Ryttarförening i Åstorp |
9/10/2022 | Straight Elite 2 | 55 of 64 | Verina Liß | 6 | 100.53 | | SKH | Klippan Cup & Skånetrofén, Åstorpsortens Ryttarförening i Åstorp |
2/23/2020 | Straight Elite 1 Rule A | 27 of 52 | Deleted User | 4 | 44.68 | | SMKH | Premiärtävling med cuper i Smålands KH, Växjöortens fältrittklubb i Växjö |
2/23/2020 | Straight Elite 2 Rule A | 23 of 52 | Deleted User | 3 | 37.84 | | SMKH | Premiärtävling med cuper i Smålands KH, Växjöortens fältrittklubb i Växjö |
2/16/2020 | Crooked Elite | 3 of 41 | Deleted User | 1+0 | 117.28 | Prize | SKH | Alla Hjärtans Cup, Goentorps Gård i Åstorp |
2/15/2020 | Straight Elite | 25 of 46 | Deleted User | 5 | 73.13 | | SKH | Alla Hjärtans Cup, Goentorps Gård i Åstorp |
2/1/2020 | Crooked Elite | 11 of 31 | Deleted User | 1+2 | 79.69 | | ÖSKH | Frosta Ryttarförening i Hörby |
1/11/2020 | Straight Elite | 26 of 51 | Deleted User | 3 | 37.50 | | ÖSKH | Frosta Ryttarförening i Hörby |
8/4/2018 | Crooked Difficult | 33 of 36 | Verina Liß | 4 | 70.79 | | ÖLKH | Libra Artic's Jubileumscuper, Högboda hos Libra Artic i Högboda |