Berit 13489

Information about rabbit

Name: Berit 13489
Nick name: Berit
Sex: Female
Breeding information:
Color: Viltgrå
Birthday: 5/27/2017
Mother: -
Father: -
Borrower: -
Handler: Tora Halvardsson
Owner: Tora Halvardsson
Farm name code: -
Union: OTHER
Country Sweden
Deceased: Yes
RegNr: S-13489
Straight: Easy
Crooked: Easy
High: Not elite
Long: Not elite
Title: -


Advancement points

Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course

2/2/2019Straight Easy20 of 33Tora Halvardsson327.01WKHLeksands ridklubb i Leksand
1/19/2019Crooked Easy - New 118 of 44Tora Halvardsson251.81WKHLeksands ridklubb i Leksand
1/19/2019Crooked Easy - New 28 of 28Tora Halvardsson0+296.03WKHLeksands ridklubb i Leksand
12/1/2018Straight Easy 117 of 27Tora Halvardsson5119.53WKHLeksands ridklubb i Leksand
12/1/2018Straight Easy 214 of 25Tora Halvardsson341.06WKHLeksands ridklubb i Leksand
8/19/2018Straight Easy 127 of 41Tora Halvardsson463.10WKHKM - KM, Hagagymnasiets grusplan i Borlänge
8/19/2018Straight Easy 227 of 39Tora Halvardsson334.15WKHKM - KM, Hagagymnasiets grusplan i Borlänge

Results in hight jump and long jump


Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight0 of 7
Personal recordHigh0 cm
Personal recordLong0 cm

Family tree
