Amulettens Pomona

Information about rabbit

Name: Amulettens Pomona
Nick name: Pomona
Sex: Female
Breeding information:
Color: -
Birthday: 6/15/2010
Age: 14 year, 2 month and 30 days
Mother: -
Father: Amulettens VitTass
Borrower: -
Handler: Annika Juhlin
Owner: Annika Juhlin
Farm - OTHER: Amulettens
Farm name code: -
Union: OTHER
Country Sweden
RegNr: S-8078
Straight: Difficult
Crooked: Moderate - 1 Point
High: Not elite - 2 Advancement points
Long: Not elite
Title: -


Advancement points

Crooked Moderate - 1 st


High Not elite - 2 st


Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course

5/21/2016Straight Difficult Rule E23 of 32Annika Juhlin5+4120.21SKHKlubbmästerskap, Klippan
10/11/2015Crooked Moderate5 of 15Annika Juhlin1+1105.04KoKHSkälby 4H-gård Kalmar
8/1/2015Crooked ModerateUPLAnnika JuhlinNITÖSKHBotaniska trädgården i Lund
7/12/2015Straight Difficult24 of 40Annika Juhlin563.00SKHSveland deltävling, Falsterbo
5/31/2015Straight Difficult19 of 44Annika Juhlin4+3128.13SKHJubileumstävlingen, Höör
5/30/2015Crooked Moderate20 of 52Annika Juhlin1+2134.04SKHJubileumstävlingen, Höör
5/14/2015Crooked Moderate10 of 39Annika Juhlin0+2165.50SKHEslöv
5/9/2015Straight Difficult Rule E14 of 34Annika Juhlin3+2+2111.00SKHKlippan, KM
3/7/2015Straight DifficultUPLAnnika JuhlinNITSKHKvidinge
2/14/2015Crooked Moderate17 of 31Annika Juhlin2+3132.29SKHKvidinge
12/20/2014Crooked Moderate19 of 29Annika Juhlin4100.03SKHKvidinge
10/25/2014Straight DifficultUPLAnnika JuhlinNITSKHKvidinge
10/12/2014Straight Difficult12 of 38Annika Juhlin3+4119.81SKHHöllviken, SKH's 20 års jubileum
10/11/2014Crooked Moderate4 of 29Annika Juhlin1+1121.78 Prize Point SKHHöllviken, SKH's 20 års jubileum

Results in hight jump and long jump

5/21/2016Long Not elite18 of 28Annika Juhlin120.0 cmSKHKlubbmästerskap, Klippan
10/11/2015High Not elite4 of 24Annika Juhlin60.0 cm Prize Point KoKHSkälby 4H-gård Kalmar
5/14/2015High Not elite9 of 52Annika Juhlin60.0 cm Prize Point SKHEslöv
5/9/2015Long Not elite13 of 29Annika Juhlin120.0 cmSKHKlippan, KM

Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing
12/20/2014SKHKvidingeJulklapps Cupen 3Moderate3 of 4Annika Juhlin1919

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight1 of 14 (7.14 %)
AwardsHigh/Long2 of 4 (50 %)
Personal recordHigh60.0 cm
Personal recordLong120.0 cm

Family tree
