Pralinens Bus & Sus

Information about rabbit

Name: Pralinens Bus & Sus
Nick name: Melker
Sex: Male
Breeding information:
Color: Svartbrokad
Birthday: 5/27/2011
Age: 13 year, 8 month and 11 days
Mother: Flamencos Artemis
Father: Solvindens Gt Ch Spicy Roiboos
Borrower: -
Handler: -
Owner: (not registered in Skuttli)
Farm - OTHER: Pralinens
Farm name code: -
Union: OTHER
Country Sweden
RegNr: S-7764
Straight: Elite - 1 Certificate
Crooked: Elite
High: Elite
Long: Elite
Title: -


Straight Elite - 1 st

13/7/2015SKHRF - Skånes LänOTHER

Advancement points

Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course

5/2/2015Straight Elite Rule E70 of 115Deleted User6+497.54WKHSM Rak-och Längd, Hedemora, Bolidenhallen
4/6/2015Straight Elite3 of 25Deleted User0+249.43 Prize SKHKvidinge
4/5/2015Crooked Elite13 of 19Deleted User443.78SKHKvidinge
3/28/2015Crooked Elite12 of 15Deleted User461.87SKHKvidinge
3/7/2015Straight Elite1 of 32Deleted User1+269.68 Prize Cert SKHKvidinge
11/2/2014Straight Elite13 of 15Deleted User639.29KoKHFärjestaden
10/12/2014Straight Elite16 of 18Deleted User766.00SKHHöllviken, SKH's 20 års jubileum
10/11/2014Crooked Elite12 of 15Deleted User771.28SKHHöllviken, SKH's 20 års jubileum
9/27/2014Crooked Elite Rule D12 of 12Deleted User7+7118.13SKHKlippan, KM
8/23/2014Straight Elite6 of 16Deleted User2+249.62VKKHStättareds 4-H gård.
8/9/2014Crooked Elite 18 of 17Deleted User2+284.85TKHTingvallaparken, Trollhättan
8/9/2014Crooked Elite 212 of 17Deleted User546.41TKHTingvallaparken, Trollhättan

Results in hight jump and long jump


Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight2 of 12 (16.67 %)
Personal recordHigh0 cm
Personal recordLong0 cm

Family tree
