Mareldens Ticket To Ride Africa

Information about rabbit

Name: Mareldens Ticket To Ride Africa
Nick name: Juni
Sex: Female
Breeding information:
Color: Viltgul Brokad
Birthday: 6/12/2019
Age: 5 year, 7 month and 26 days
Mother: Ringmurens Audi Quattro
Father: Regnbågens Ch My Time To Shine
Borrower: -
Handler: Edit Wilén
Owner: Edit Wilén
Farm - OTHER: Mareldens
Farm name code: -
Union: OTHER
Country Sweden
RegNr: S-15624
Straight: Easy - 1 Point
Crooked: Easy
High: Not elite
Long: Not elite
Title: -


Advancement points

Straight Easy - 1 st


Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course

6/14/2020Straight Easy5 of 40Edit Wilén1+041.47 Prize Point ÖKHKlubbtävling, Hylingevallen, Västra Husby i Söderköping
2/8/2020Crooked Easy11 of 44Edit Wilén2+158.72ÖKHBangårdsgatan 1 i Motala
12/29/2019Crooked Easy18 of 47Edit Wilén232.78ÖKHKlubbtävling, Bangårdsgatan 1 i Motala
12/29/2019Straight Easy21 of 44Edit Wilén239.30ÖKHKlubbtävling, Bangårdsgatan 1 i Motala
12/14/2019Crooked Easy28 of 51Edit Wilén468.38ÖKHMotala

Results in hight jump and long jump


Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing
12/29/2019ÖKHBangårdsgatan 1 i MotalaAfter Eight cupenEasy15 of 31Edit Wilén3918,21

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight1 of 5 (20 %)
Personal recordHigh0 cm
Personal recordLong0 cm

Family tree
