Moängs Caribbean

Information about rabbit

Name: Moängs Caribbean
Nick name: Milla
Sex: Female
Breeding information: Breed with care
Pappans helsyster har lämnat bettfel (2024)
Color: Isabella
Birthday: 1/4/2022
Age: 3 year, 0 month and 12 days
Mother: Skogstorps Zizi
Father: Björklövets Sparkling Cinnamon
Borrower: -
Handler: Michelle Backlund Pikki
Owner: Michelle Backlund Pikki
Farm - SKE: Moängs
Farm name code: -
Union: SKE
Country Sweden
RegNr: SE-0893
Straight: Elite
Crooked: Difficult - 1 Point
High: Elite
Long: Not elite - 2 Advancement points
Title: -

Rabbits registrations - Union



Advancement points

Crooked Difficult - 1 st


Straight Difficult - 5 st


Crooked Moderate - 3 st


Straight Moderate - 3 st


Crooked Easy - 3 st


Straight Easy - 3 st


High Not elite - 3 st


Long Not elite - 2 st


Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course

12/7/2024Crooked Difficult1 of 3Rakel Pettersson2+2124.81 Prize Point RoKHVidöbacken i Norrtälje/ Vidö
2/24/2024Straight Elite42 of 59Felicia Bjurling 7104.91BLKHStall Gröntjärna i Avesta
2/3/2024Crooked Difficult13 of 23Idun Jakobsson4109.03STKHViksberg i Södertälje
1/27/2024Crooked Difficult11 of 26Idun Jakobsson2+2146.25GKHTBoulehallen i Gävle
12/30/2023Straight Elite Rule A27 of 36Idun Jakobsson581.60RoKHNyårstävling på Vidö, Vidöbackens gård i Norrtälje
12/27/2023Crooked Difficult13 of 24Idun Jakobsson280.75ÖLKHPålsboda
12/16/2023Straight Difficult 11 of 18Idun Jakobsson1+1104.47 Prize Point NVKHJulcuper, High Rock Ranch Vara i Västra Götaland
12/16/2023Straight Difficult 22 of 17Idun Jakobsson1+199.99 Prize Point Advancement NVKHJulcuper, High Rock Ranch Vara i Västra Götaland
12/10/2023Crooked Difficult7 of 16Idun Jakobsson1+2121.32MKHLuciacuperna, Lilla Lundbyskog i Vingåker
11/26/2023Straight Difficult5 of 18Idun Jakobsson1+192.44VKHBjörklidens ridhus, Molkom i Karlstad kommun
11/19/2023Crooked Difficult10 of 20Idun Jakobsson478.78STKHViksberg i Södertälje
11/11/2023Straight Difficult 15 of 39Idun Jakobsson1+269.97 Prize Point MKHHöstcuperna, Lilla Lundbyskog i Vingåker
11/11/2023Straight Difficult 217 of 39Idun Jakobsson325.88MKHHöstcuperna, Lilla Lundbyskog i Vingåker
11/5/2023Straight Difficult3 of 26Idun Jakobsson3+087.03 Prize Point STKHViksberg i Södertälje
10/1/2023Straight Difficult8 of 15Idun Jakobsson3+380.43MKHSkördecuperna del 2, Motionscentrum i Hallstahammar
9/24/2023Crooked Difficult 14 of 11Linn Nordin3+1142.00ÖLKHUskavi i Nora
9/24/2023Crooked Difficult 24 of 11Linn Nordin1+2131.47ÖLKHUskavi i Nora
9/17/2023Crooked Difficult 16 of 12Idun Jakobsson2+4158.45YKHKvissleby i Sundsvall
9/17/2023Crooked Difficult 2UPLIdun JakobssonNITYKHKvissleby i Sundsvall
9/16/2023Straight Difficult13 of 31Idun Jakobsson2+NIT68.28HäKHRIP cuperna , Borgarparken i Hudiksvall
9/9/2023Straight Difficult3 of 16Idun Jakobsson2+1101.75 Prize Point ULKHUppsala i Uppsala
6/20/2023Straight Moderate3 of 28Idun Jakobsson0+091.47 Prize Point Advancement MKHKvällstävling, Motionscentrum i Hallstahammar
6/11/2023Straight Moderate5 of 19Idun Jakobsson1+177.89MKHKM - KM Rak och längd, Motionscentrum i Hallstahammar
6/10/2023Straight Moderate4 of 14Idun Jakobsson1+169.09GKHTÄlvkarleby
6/6/2023Straight Moderate 13 of 26Idun Jakobsson0+183.69 Prize Point RoKHRiala, Riala i Norrtälje kommun
6/6/2023Straight Moderate 28 of 26Idun Jakobsson0+389.24RoKHRiala, Riala i Norrtälje kommun
5/28/2023Crooked Difficult11 of 11. .2+4120.81MKHMajcuper, Motionscentrum i Hallstahammar
5/27/2023Straight Moderate9 of 20Idun Jakobsson3+3103.54ÖKHEn dag för barnen, Vårcuperna, Brunnsparken i Söderköping
5/18/2023Crooked DifficultUPLIdun JakobssonNITSTKHFastebolskolan i Järfälla
4/30/2023Straight Moderate10 of 25Idun Jakobsson2+2117.57MKHMotionscentrum i Hallstahammar
4/15/2023Straight Moderate5 of 9Idun Jakobsson1+161.72MKHKlubbtävling - Påskcuper, Åsta 231 i Köping
4/7/2023Straight Moderate8 of 23Idun Jakobsson2+289.23GKHTÄlvkarleby
3/25/2023Straight Moderate8 of 18Idun Jakobsson370.53ULKHUppsala i Uppsala
3/18/2023Crooked DifficultUPLIdun JakobssonNITMKHÅsta 231 i Köping
3/11/2023Crooked Moderate2 of 20Idun Jakobsson1+1120.72 Prize Point Advancement STKHViksberg i Södertälje
2/25/2023Crooked Moderate6 of 23Idun Jakobsson1+2132.41ÖLKHVittvångs gård i Örebro
2/19/2023Crooked Moderate4 of 17Idun Jakobsson1+2149.75 Prize Point KoKHStall Landborgen i Algutsrum
2/18/2023Straight Moderate2 of 18Idun Jakobsson1+058.62 Prize Point SMKH3-års cuperna, Småland
2/4/2023Crooked Moderate3 of 24Idun Jakobsson2+0156.44 Prize Point STKHSödertälje i Stockholm
1/21/2023Crooked Moderate9 of 40Idun Jakobsson1+0135.96BLKHStall Gröntjärna i Avesta
1/14/2023Straight Moderate10 of 35Idun Jakobsson2+175.69STKHStockholm
1/7/2023Crooked Easy 11 of 73Idun Jakobsson0+066.97 Prize Point Advancement GKHTBoulehallen i Gävle
1/6/2023Crooked Easy2 of 50Idun Jakobsson0+072.22 Prize Point MKHVintercuper, Åsta 231 i Köping
12/17/2022Straight Easy3 of 43Idun Jakobsson0+042.20 Prize Point Advancement ÖLKHJulcuperna, Vittvångs gård i Örebro
12/10/2022Crooked Easy2 of 22Idun Jakobsson0+062.78 Prize Point MKHKlubbtävling - Klubbtävling, Åsta 231 i Köping
12/10/2022Straight Easy1 of 20Idun Jakobsson0+045.59 Prize Point MKHKlubbtävling - Klubbtävling, Åsta 231 i Köping
11/27/2022Crooked Easy7 of 21Idun Jakobsson0+195.37ÖLKHVittvångs gård i Örebro
11/26/2022Crooked Easy12 of 22Idun Jakobsson1+186.29BLKHStall Gröntjärna i Avesta
11/12/2022Straight Easy10 of 36Idun Jakobsson1+048.54MKHÅsta 231 i Köping
9/10/2022Straight Easy3 of 33Idun Jakobsson0+055.75 Prize Point WKHLorensbergaskolans fotbollsplan i Ludvika
8/27/2022Straight Mini7 of 24Idun Jakobsson0+055.19BLKHLundens Cup, Avesta
8/27/2022Crooked Mini14 of 22Idun Jakobsson363.31BLKHLundens Cup, Avesta

Results in hight jump and long jump

2/3/2024High Not elite9 of 21Idun Jakobsson60.0 cm Point Advancement STKHViksberg i Södertälje
11/11/2023Long Not elite7 of 43Idun Jakobsson180.0 cm Prize Point MKHHöstcuperna, Lilla Lundbyskog i Vingåker
9/24/2023High Not elite7 of 8Linn Nordin50.0 cmÖLKHUskavi i Nora
9/17/2023High Not elite5 of 6Idun Jakobsson50.0 cmYKHKvissleby i Sundsvall
6/20/2023Long Not elite22 of 28Idun Jakobsson120.0 cmMKHKvällstävling, Motionscentrum i Hallstahammar
4/15/2023High Not elite12 of 16Linn Nordin60.0 cm Point MKHKlubbtävling - Påskcuper, Åsta 231 i Köping
3/18/2023High Not elite28 of 34Idun Jakobsson50.0 cmMKHÅsta 231 i Köping
2/25/2023Long Not elite5 of 16Idun Jakobsson160.0 cm Point ÖLKHVittvångs gård i Örebro
2/18/2023High Not elite1 of 32Idun Jakobsson60.0 cm Point SMKH3-års cuperna, Småland
1/21/2023Long Not eliteUPLIdun JakobssonBLKHStall Gröntjärna i Avesta

Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing
12/16/2023NVKHHigh Rock Ranch Vara, Västra Götaland LussekattscupenDifficult1 of 8Idun Jakobsson31,2
12/10/2022MKHÅsta 231, KöpingLättmästarnaEasy1 of 12Idun Jakobsson31,2
8/27/2022BLKHAvestaLundens CupMini7 of 21Idun Jakobsson217,14

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight18 of 52 (34.62 %)
AwardsHigh/Long5 of 10 (50 %)
Personal recordHigh60.0 cm
Personal recordLong180.0 cm

Family tree
