BB Thunderbird

Information about rabbit

Name: BB Thunderbird
Nick name: Theo
Sex: Male
Breeding information:
Color: Japaner
Birthday: 4/13/2021
Age: 3 year, 9 month and 30 days
Mother: Euphoria Elexier
Father: Riverruns Secret of the Unicorn
Borrower: -
Handler: Verina Liß
Owner: Verina Liß
Farm - Other union: (Nordlys)
Farm name code: -
Union: -
Country Germany
RegNr: -
Straight: Elite
Crooked: Elite
High: Elite, Champion
Long: Elite, Champion
Title: -
Comment: High - 101 cm - German record / Long - 220 cm - 2 Cert / Straight - 1 Cert / Parkour - 1 Cert


Advancement points

Handler log

Previous handlerDate for change

Results in course

7/2/2023Straight Elite12 of 54Verina Liß1+070.38SKHSkånska Cuperna, Frostavallen i Höör
7/1/2023Crooked Elite 135 of 48Verina Liß479.44SKHSkånska Cuperna, Frostavallen i Höör
7/1/2023Crooked Elite 231 of 49Verina Liß389.22SKHSkånska Cuperna, Frostavallen i Höör

Results in hight jump and long jump

6/29/2023Long Elite5 of 10Verina Liß200.0 cmÖSKHKvällstävling, Mötesplats Hemmestorp i Blentarp

Cup results

DateClubLocationCupClass typePlacingHandlerPointsPlacing
7/1/2023SKHFrostavallen, HöörSpettekaka CupenElite17 of 23Verina Liß7812,31,35

Competition statistics

AwardsCrooked/Straight0 of 3
AwardsHigh/Long0 of 1
Personal recordHigh0 cm
Personal recordLong200.0 cm

Family tree
